Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What does it mean?

Joining THE 50 MILLION POUND CHALLENGE means becoming part of something exciting, life-altering, historic, and tremendously beneficial -- not only for you, but to others in your family and community, as well as to future generations of African Americans! It takes only a few minutes to register. It’s free, and you’ll find all the tools you need at http://www.50millionpounds.com/

Participating in THE CHALLENGE is not just about shedding those extra pounds — though that is critical to your health and well-being. It’s about coming together and looking out for one another as we work to take control of our health. It’s about taking the time to reach out and lock hands as we join forces to fight the real risks that being overweight pose to our families, our communities, as well as ourselves.PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOUR 50 MILLION POUND CHALLENGE STORIES AND SUCCESSES HERE ON THIS BLOG!! I will share the stories, you share with me, with my listeners each week. Tell me your successes and your challenges as you and your loved ones work to improve your lives through weight loss and healthy living.

We can inspire and learn from one another. Through our collective efforts, we can reach our long term goals. I look forward to hearing from you.

God’s best 2 you,
Yolanda Adams

Tell us your own 50 Million Pound Challenge story by clicking on the "comments" link in green below.

Each week, Yolanda will share one of these stories on the air so we can all inspire and learn from one another.


Anonymous said...

I was weighing in at 365lbs with a 48 waist. I could not get in the clothes that I wanted to wear. I was very husky growing up. Even though that I was big, I still knew how to dress. So one Sunday morning while singing solo, I could not finish the song. I was modeling for Big and Tall then. Then after not breathing right and I had to sleep on my stomach and could not hold my head back on the plane and always trying to catch my breath. After all that I know that I to change and drop weight. Right now I weigh in at 265lbs with a waist at 38. My goal is to reach at 210lbs and waist at 34. I will make it with my six pack and God at my side. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

My story is in 1998. My husband James was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I knew that God id a healer, however, we still have to do our part. So I prayed and asked God to show me his will for my husband and our family. My husband started off on insulin shots 2x’s a day and through diet, exercise, and healthy eating, he is now taking a pill for diabetes twice a day and his blood pressure is under control and Praise God. It has helped me put everyone in my family on a new mind set of eating organic and fresh fruit using the Fat Smash Diet. I have lost 23 lbs and my husband has lost 20 lbs also.

Anonymous said...

I want parents to know that they should ask for fruit and vegetables at their child’s schools. If they do all public schools must give them. I run a school and we sell no snack foods, have fruit around the school offices for anyone and teach healthy living.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just began the Challenge, but I lost about 3 pounds and counting. God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I lose 5 pounds so far.

Anonymous said...

In August 2007, I began a ministers training class and I realized that I could not be a leader if there were any areas in my life that I was not actively seeking to glorify God in. I began making lifestyle changes – whole grains, fruit, protein, vegetables – and so far have lost 60 pounds from my heaviest with the goal of being fit in 2008. I cannot be obedient to God without giving affection to all areas. The change requires me to take in all of the information that I can and the Yolanda Adams Morning Show gives me all of the information and inspiration that I need to continue the journey and feel empowered. This was my 4th cruise and the 1st time that I felt good about taking pictures and looking great!

Anonymous said...

I am 65 years-old, in pretty good health, but need to lose weight and trim my waistline. I will challenge myself to get to a 33 inch waist from 45 inches. I plan to walk in a marathon in October and stretch and strengthen my lower body so I can get on and off my horse with more grace and style.

Anonymous said...

I juice 5 carrots, 5 sticks of celery, 5 radishes, 1 apple, a piece of ginger root, two cloves of garlic, a piece of lemon. I drink this twice a day. I drink more water and I walk the treadmill. I eat one regular meal a day. I started out at 180 pounds. I lost 20 pounds in three months.

Anonymous said...

I have over the years had a battle with weight due to stress or medical. I want to achieve a goal comfortable to maintain.

Anonymous said...

My success in losing weight came from taking part in a local “Biggest Loser” competition. It gave me the motivation to work hard and try to earn the prizes! I lost a total of 13 lbs in a 4 month period! I walked 2 miles twice a day (at noon and the evening) and reduced my intake of sweet as well as smaller portions.

Anonymous said...

I love eating the right foods, which include fruits, nuts, grains, low fat items, but then comes the urge to eat the wrong thing. Then come the pounds that I previously lost. Other than prayer, what can or should I do?

Anonymous said...

Challenges – drink too much soda pop and other sugar beverages. Learn to drink more sparkling waters.

Anonymous said...

Late night eating! Going and going and going throughout the day and eating and crashing at night. It’s changing once I get back home. Rejoining Curves for my exercise time. Keeping it real in the daytime and right at night. As one of the AARP choir member winners (the Lord delays His coming) I plan to be slender when we meet again in Atlanta! The cruise has been a true blessing and inspiration for getting healthy and back in shape.

Anonymous said...

First challenge: I have an under-active thyroid (make medicine daily), but it’s difficult to regulate my metabolism so that I can lose weight. I have changed my eating habits, started walking daily and using stairs instead of elevator, but it’s difficult to drop the weight.
Second: My name is Vanessa and “I’m a Chocoholic”. I need help. I’m addicted to dark chocolate and have to eat it EVERYDAY!

Anonymous said...

Denise Hillery-Jones has walked through fires of tribulations and emerged as a vessel of God. She was in a near-death accident and was unable to walk for one year. After 4 grueling operations, she lost her left kidney, ureta, had 9 fibroid tumors, a total hip and knee replacement. She had gained over 100 pounds. And through the World of God she lost over 108 pounds. God has given her a ministry to go out to the Nations with a dramatic presentation that has empowered thousands. The Witness Fitness mix and cool down has motivated and inspired her and helped the members of the ministry.

Anonymous said...

Denise Hillery-Jones has walked through fires of tribulations and emerged as a vessel of God. She was in a near-death accident and was unable to walk for one year. After 4 grueling operations, she lost her left kidney, ureta, had 9 fibroid tumors, a total hip and knee replacement. She had gained over 100 pounds. And through the World of God she lost over 108 pounds. God has given her a ministry to go out to the Nations with a dramatic presentation that has empowered thousands. The Witness Fitness mix and cool down has motivated and inspired her and helped the members of the ministry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the One Love Cruise. Since being in the cruise, I have really appreciated the classes and seminar that you had. I am one whom was not a big fruit eater, but now my goal is to eat more fruits and vegetables. Thanks for the One Love Cruise. Pray to see you all next year.

Anonymous said...

4 years ago I weighed 225 lbs. I was 47 years-old and had stopped exercising. My job was such that I drove a car all day so my diet was mostly fast food. I had to make a decision. I am diabetic and was taking the maximum amount of pills to control my disease. The next step for me was insulin. I joined the health club, decreased my portions, and began to cook at home. I even tried vegetarian meals a couple of seasons a year. I’m now 51, 185 lbs, and my diabetes is under control. That’s 40 pounds!

Anonymous said...

Yolanda, I am a 48 year-old Grandmother of ten. About 3 years ago, the doctor said to me that I may have to start taking high blood pressure medication because my blood pressure was too high and would not go down. I asked her if there was anything I could do to avoid taking medicines and she suggested changing my eating habits and try walking everyday. I started working out right away and changed my eating habits. No sweets, no beef, no pork. I started off wearing a size 22 dress and now I’m wearing a size 10. My doctor was amazed but very happy to tell me that I would not need medication and my blood pressure was normal. Prayer, meditation, and a change of eating habits and working out did it for me.

Anonymous said...

In October 2007 I weighed 230, my heaviest to date. I finally decided to do something about it. Tired of my doctor telling me to lose weight. I am blessed and proud to say that I have never had high blood pressure or diabetes at 230 lbs. My blood pressure usually runs low. I joined Curves, started working out, watching what I eat. Now when I feel full, I stop eating. I park further away at the mall or grocery store and walk. I can walk nonstop to the top of the escalator going to work. Co-workers have commented on how I am slimming down but I never really looked at myself. I passed a mirror in church one Sunday and did a double take. I really looked at myself and liked what I saw. I have gone from size 22 to size 16 since October. I now weigh 199 pounds and am aiming for 150-160. It feels good. All my clothes fall off me now. Going on a cruise June 2008. Bought my first bathing suit since high school and put it on last week. Looked good on me. Still got some more work to do so I signed up for the step it up challenge at curves. Weighed in 1 April, weigh again 30 April. Wish me luck.
Patricia Ford
Capitol Heights, MD

Anonymous said...

I want to encourage any one who is participating in this challenge. I have a unique perspective in regards to obesity. My husband has struggled with his weight for some time now. This has affected our family in very unique ways. Because of his weight he had become socially isolated, would tire easily and can not keep up with our children. Please, I encourage anyone that is doing the challenge to not give up. Your hard work and dedication will not only help you but will breathe new life into your family. Be encouraged and never give up. God bless.

Anonymous said...

I have always struggled with my weight. I’ve tried many different diets. But have not been able to stick to any of them. I just joined the 50 Million Pound Challenge and so far so good! It feels great knowing I am apart of something that will not only help me but many others who share my struggle. My husband loves me just the way I am, but I can’t wait to see what he will think once I lose the extra pounds.

To anyone out there hesitating… please join Dr. Ian Smith in the 50 Million Pound Challenge! If I can do it, so can you!

Anonymous said...

I love to eat; steak, mashed potatoes, lasagna, things that fulfill a hearty appetite. Never ever would I have imagined I would be on a diet or willing to participate in the 50 Million Pound challenge. Funny how life pushes and pulls you in certain directions. When I turned thirty, I was diagnosed with retinal kidney failure. I began dialysis 6 months after that. Slowly almost all my favorites were taken away. Now I am 34 and although I still have kidney disease, I am healthier than I have been most of my life. I am honored to be a part of this Challenge that empowers so many African Americans. My staying healthy has become something bigger than myself.

Anonymous said...

Ever since I can remember my weight has been a problem, it’s a problem for everyone in my family. Things didn’t begin to sink in for me how serious this was until my mother had a minor heart attack. Fortunately she survived, and this event was able to serve as a wake up call for us all. The whole family has come together and we all eat healthier and walk three times a week. Since we started in December of 2007 I am down thirty five pounds, and feel great. With the Challenge, there are events in my city and ways to communicate with others going through this. It serves as a support system and I love it.

memeshine said...

Hello Dr. Ian, First let me thank you for this wonderful window of life you have open up. I started off at a whopping 286 lbs and now I'm 239 lbs. But it really seems as if I'm at a road block. I have heard you in the past talk about road blocks but I have been wondering how do I get pass this. I had four kids 3 natural births and 1 via by C-Section and my stomach area is not going any where!!!!!!!!!! I've heard many things on why this is the hardest thing to lose. Any advice is good advice.! But let me continue with my story I have been working really hard eating and excerising and I have seen some great result and I'm much confident when I look into the mirror. My life with my husband has change for the best! He is not ashamed of walking with me when we are in the store, he picks me up to mark my progress because he could not pick me at all. My kids are proud of me and I'm happy I can set an example to let them know they can accomplish anything and they don't have to settle for anything. Right now my dream is goal weight is 150 lbs so I can enroll as an Houston Police Officer. I know I have a long and hard task ahead but I know that with God on my side I can do anything. So I will continue my fight to live a healthy.

Anonymous said...

At 23 I married my college sweetheart. We grew up in North Carolina, but moved to Virginia in 2004 because of my husband’s job. We attempted to start a family and after 4 failed attempts we turned to artificial insemination and conceived twins. In college I was a size 7 and in very good shape. After my pregnancy I ballooned to a size 18 and weighed 230 pounds. As my twins neared the age of 2, I could not bear to chase them around, I could not keep up with them on walks in the park. I was always tired. That’s when I decided to lose weight. I went on a low carb diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, with no sweets. In the last two years I have been able to lose 50 pounds. Losing the weight has given me the opportunity to take advantage of all that being a mother has to offer.

Anonymous said...

October 2007 I gave birth to my first child. During the pregnancy I gained forty pounds. After giving birth I was so excited about being a new mom and busy taking care of her, my health took a back seat. Now that my daughter is a few months older, its time to get back in shape. I first started with changing my eating habits, adding more vegetables, and cutting fried foods out all together. I also began taking a yoga class two days a week and walking three days. I have dropped twenty five of the pounds so far. Not only am I smaller but I feel better all together.

Unknown said...

How do you guys do it? I get so discouraged. I have it set in my mind that I need to lose weight. I've tried before with exercising, eating healthier, but I can never stick to it. When I don't see results I always wonder whats the point. Please Help!